25.06.2014. - Fourth edition of newsletter related to youth project within the CBC program Serbia – B&H
CenTrir has issued the latest edition of newsletter which contains information about activities carried out on the project “Youth – the most important driving engine of our region“...
26.02.2015. - Guide through best practice: Participation of civil society in strategic planning at the local level
New publication of the Center for Equitable Regional Development "Participation of civil society in strategic planning at the local level - Guide through best practice" includes key research findings on the participation of civil society in the so far strategic planning at the local level in Serbia...
23.01.2015. - The first edition of „Project news“: From the project idea to project results?
New CenTriR’s brochure „Project news“ is actually a short presentation of the implementation of one-year project ʺProperty of the local self-governments – an important link to local economic development”, which was financed by the European Union through EU Exchange 4 program...